Image Analysis AI that catches trends of SNS post images, and can support marketing
"Kiducoo AI" is an in-image object detection system that automatically analyzes elements included in an image data and can perform tagging by merging E-guardian AI Technology to the latest object detection algorithm.
By analyzing and tagging the images posted in SNS, it derives the trends and application scenarios, and it can be used in collecting marketing data.
Application example of "Kiducoo AI"

Collection and Analysis of Marketing Data
Kiducoo AI is an in-image object detection system that automatically analyzes elements included in an image data posted in SNS, etc. and can perform tagging. It derives what is the trend in a specific target, the trend of a product used in a specific scene, etc. and it can be used in collecting marketing data.

Flexible analysis function that can be used in various scenes
The analysis function of "Kiducoo AI" is excellent in application. It can be used in various scenes, for example, early detection of copyright infringement due to plagiarism, resolution and AB test of internet ads, Competitive analysis, automatically introduce recipe only by sending picture of the contents of the refrigerator, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
It gathers images posted in SNS, like Instagram, X(Twitter), etc., and it can investigate how your company's product is displayed. By cross analyzing "Gender Ratio", "Usage Scenes", "Exposure Competition Comparison", etc., it can grasps the user needs, and it can be used in product promotion method and improvement.
By automatically determining and analyzing elements included in advertisement images, it can learn the trend of effective images. AB test of internet ads, and effect verification of competition analysis can also be performed.
Even if there is no concrete usage image, we will ask about the customers' services during the service introduction, and ideas often come out during meetings. Please feel free to consult us first.
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