We are in charge of security consulting agreement related to IT, and consulting of development project unit
In the present IT society, in doing countermeasures for security risks that occur daily, it is necessary to have a professional knowledge regarding cyber security.
Hiroshi Tokumaru, the leading web security expert, leads the group of professional in our company.
Based on the abundant achievements, it is possible to support countermeasures based on the latest trends in security.

Consulting Agreement for Necessary Security Risks in Management Decision
We give advice based on professional knowledge regarding cyber security countermeasures and security strategy planning, security incident, etc. Members led by the IPA's (Information-Technology Promotion Agency) part-time researcher, Hiroshi Tokumaru, conduct consulting as advisors. This is the most suitable consultation destination in case when "there are no security specialists within the company" or "there are no personnels who are technically knowledgeable within the company".

Consulting about Requirements Definition of Web Application Development, etc.
We conduct consultation about security requirements when outsourcing web application and web site development tasks. We improve security level by clarifying the scope of the responsibility of the outsourcing company and by standardizing the security countermeasures of the production company through "creation of grand design of security policy", "inspection of security specifications attached in RFP (Request for Proposals)", and "advice on acceptance method".
Frequently Asked Questions
In addition to advice from the security side, we propose a secure development standard/basis by creating documents for threat analysis and other documents like grand design necessary in design and implementation.
For Inquiries regarding Services and Quotations